Innovative wood-based biochemical products green-lighted by Resolute

May 28, 2019
Category: Today's Takeaway

Innovative wood-based biochemical products will be produced at Resolute’s Thunder Bay pulp and paper mill, thanks in part to FPInnovations and Natural Resources Canada. In other Business news: US log exports to China and Canada post heavy decline.

In Forestry news: Canada’s longterm weather forecast is bad news for wildfires; BC seeks feedback on its Forest and Range Practices Act; a study say Caribou recovery will hurt BC’s Peace River economy; the BC Forest Practices Board is reviewing the impact of old-growth logging on bear dens; BC Timber Sales says the Elphinstone petition ‘lacks merit‘; forest-rich Finland will need to import biomass as it phases out coal; and Amazon deforestation is up 20% in past year.

Finally, Forest Talk Radio comes to North Bay, Ontario and BC tree planters get sex assault prevention training.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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