Trump says his budget has more money than ever for wildfire prevention. It doesn’t.

By Katie Irby and Emily Cadei
San Luis Obispo Tribune
March 13, 2019
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump says in his budget that he’s asking for the highest amount ever for certain wildfire prevention programs. His proposal actually contains less money for wildfire prevention efforts than the current federal spending plan. It’s a small difference, just $6 million out of about $1.4 billion for wildfire prevention programs… But, it would be a cut if Congress approves it. Meanwhile, Trump’s budget would increase money that could contribute to harvesting timber and clearing trees. Trump has encouraged more logging in the past year. He publicly blames California and environmental groups for lax forest management on federal lands, where it is the responsibility of the federal government. …Trump is requesting $450 million — $15 million more than the current budget — for hazardous fuel mitigation under the U.S. Forest Service, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Taxpayers for Common Sense.

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